My beard full of butterflies

2014 / Site specific installation in an abandoned barber shop / Butterflies, digital prints, photo collage of Federico García Lorca and Walt Whitman, plants, flowers, fruit, net curtains.

Exhibition: Lloc i Memoria, Ses Salines, Mallorca

What would have happened if Walt Whitman and Federico García Lorca would have been sitting side by side in this barber shop in Ses Salines, Mallorca ? Might they have looked into the eyes through the mirror, exchanged haircuts. and what conversations would have flourished?

My beard full of butterflies is a site specific installation in an abandoned barber shop, where time has frozen tools and the furniture left behind and layers of dust have buried memories as cement. The artists sets into this time capsule 20 living butterflies as if to bring the space back to life. Black and white photographs of the Spanish poet Federico García Lorca (1898- 1936) and the American poet Walt Whitman (18919- 1892) recall their presence and invite the viewer to a playful observation as their hairstyles and beard of the poets have been exchanged on some portraits displayed in the room.